Little by Little Becomes a LOT…..Tanzanian Proverb

The EFPN warehouse was emptied of all food during our recent renovation. We are now in great need to stock the warehouse. Our eight pantries use this donated food to help stock their shelves.  We also use the warehouse donations for stocking the pantries at Windover High School and the Academic and Career Education Academy. We pack boxes for our partnership with Home to Stay from the warehouse items.  As Home to Stay settles their clients into their new housing, they are provided a box of food to start  them in their new home. EFPN is also experiencing an increase of people coming to our pantries.  Please consider collecting food for the warehouse or for any of our pantries.  Below is a listing of pantries and our warehouse. Monetary donations are also welcome. We buy food from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan at reduced costs. We also use monetary donations to fund our BackPack Buddies Program and our Nutritional Supplement Program.  For the 2019-2020 school year we have 819 children enrolled. This represents a 14% increase over the last school year.  Every donation counts, no matter how large or small. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Donations can be brought to any of our eight pantries or warehouse.  Please call before delivering food & supplies to pantries to make sure someone is there to meet you.

Bullock Creek Outreach Pantry:  Messiah Lutheran Church, 1550 S. Poseyville Rd., 835-7143

Coleman Railway Family Center: 4839 N. Coleman Schools Drive,  465-2079

EFPN Warehouse: 503 S. Saginaw Rd., 486-9393

HELP Pantry:  Memorial Presbyterian Church,1310 Ashman St.,  835-6759

North Midland Family Center Pantry:  2601 E. Shearer Rd. • 689-7770

SAMS Food Pantry: sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church at 503 S. Saginaw Rd., 631-2260

Sanford Food Pantry: Sanford United Methodist Church, 2560 N. West River Rd., 687-5353

Wheeler Road Church of Christ Pantry: 1123 E. Wheeler Rd., 835-8559

West Midland Family Center Pantry:  4011 W. Isabella Rd., 832-3256

Any Food, Personal Care and Cleaning Supplies are welcome. Here are some ideas:

  • Kid Friendly Foods-Macaroni & Cheese, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Cereal,  Soup, Pasta & Pasta Sauce, Canned Meals, Canned Fruit, Granola Bars, Pancake Mix & Syrup, Hamburger Helper, Tuna
  • Baking Items-Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder, Baking Soda
  • Beverages-Coffee, Juice
  • Personal Care-Toothbrush & Toothpaste, Deodorant, Soap, Shampoo
  • Cleaning Supplies: Laundry & Dish Detergent
  • Other: Ketchup, Mustard, Salt, Pepper, Cooking Oil, Miracle Whip, Mayonnaise