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Our goal this year is $80,000 in Food and Money
No one should have to worry about how they will afford to feed themselves or their family. Many people in our community are faced with this concern every day. Hunger does not discriminate. Hunger does not care about gender, age, race or religion. Hunger can affect people who are unemployed or working full-time. EFPN will be conducting its annual “Stop Hunger Challenge” during the months of March and April. Food and money collected during this time will count towards this challenge. Our goal for this campaign is $80,000 in food and money. Donated food, personal care and cleaning items are valued at $1.00 per item . We are once again very fortunate to have an anonymous donor who will offer an incentive for people to donate either food or money. EFPN will receive a check from this donor in proportion to the total funds and food, personal care and cleaning items received during the challenge period. In addition, the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan is offering a 10% credit on our account for all money donated to us. In 2017, we spent $126,946 with the Food Bank to purchase food for our regular pantry program as well as the BackPack Buddies and Mobile Pantry programs. Donations toward any of our programs or specific pantries will qualify for the campaign. Donations to our building fund will count towards the incentive from the anonymous donor but not towards the Food Bank incentive. Monetary donations may be sent to EFPN, P.O. Box 2521, Midland, MI 48641-2521. Food donations may be donated to any of our pantries or to our warehouse location at 503 S. Saginaw Rd. If you would like to leave a donation at the warehouse, please call 486-9393 to arrange a time for delivery or pickup. Many of our supporting churches will be collecting at this time. You can continue to bring your donations to your church collection site. Check this website to watch our progress towards this goal or to donate online.