Donations can be brought to any of our eight pantries or warehouse. Please call before delivering food & supplies to pantries to make sure someone is there to meet you.
Bullock Creek Outreach Pantry: Messiah Lutheran Church, 1550 S. Poseyville Rd., (989) 835-7143
MCFAN Warehouse: 503 S. Saginaw Rd., (989) 486-9393
Greater Midland Coleman Railway Family Center: 4839 N. Coleman Schools Drive, (989) 465-2079
Greater Midland North Midland Family Center Pantry: 2601 E. Shearer Rd. (989) 689-7770
HELP Pantry (“Hunger Eased by Loving Persons”): Memorial Presbyterian Church,1310 Ashman St., (989) 835-6759 use canopy entrance on Reardon
SAMS Food Pantry (“Share a Meal Service”): sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church at 503 S. Saginaw Rd., (989) 631-2260
Sanford Food Pantry: Sanford United Methodist Church, 2560 N. West River Rd., (989) 687-5353
West Midland Family Center Pantry: 4011 W. Isabella Rd., (989) 832-3256
Wheeler Road Church of Christ Pantry: 1123 E. Wheeler Rd., (989) 835-8559
Star indicates approximate pantry location; in the city of Midland there are 3 EFPN pantries.